zz-ICOPA 2020 - 2021 thank you

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The International Conference
on Patient Advocacy

globe made of flagsPatient Advocacy Around the World!

Meet international patient advocates!

In lieu of gathering together, we instead invited advocates from around the world to share videos of themselves describing their advocacy experiences in their countries.

From Naomi in Japan, to Oana in France, from Dorothy and Rachel in Australia, to Ayman in Saudi Arabia, advocates in Canada and the United States, and more, we invite you to hear what they have to say, then ask them questions about advocacy in their countries, too.

Meet our international advocates here.

Updated December 2020


The leadership of ICOPA has come to a difficult decision to NOT hold an in-person ICOPA conference in 2020.

While it saddened us all to make that decision, we know it is in the best interests of you – our potential attendees and sponsors. Our international focus this year, from Japan to Jacksonville, from New Zealand to New York, from Saudi Arabia to San Antonio – and all points in between - meant taking travel risks and attending sessions in a “packed” venue during this uncertain time when keeping our distance can translate to staying healthy.

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(Take a peek at some of the fun from last year’s event!)

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Meet the ICOPA Organizers:

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Teri Dreher

Teri Dreher

Patient Advocates

Chicago, Illinois

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Anne Llewellyn

Nurse Advocate

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Trisha Torrey

Trisha Torrey

The Alliance of
Professional Health Advocates

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