ICOPA 2022 COVID Policy, Responsibility, and Requirements

Updated April 2, 2022

The organizers of ICOPA have made the decision to hold ICOPA in-person in 2022.

Among our most important reasons for this decision is the responsibility and opportunity for advocacy professionals to demonstrate the fact that we’ll be living with COVID for a long time, and can and will make adjustments to do so safely.

image - covid policy

You will be asked to agree to this policy upon registration. Learn more:
Register Here

Our message is: we’ll live our lives with safety in mind. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all ICOPA attendees to keep ourselves, and each other, healthy and safe from COVID and all other possible infections or safety threats.


Find below our COVID policy and requirements for attendees. You will be required to agree to them during registration, and to adhere to them during the conference. No exceptions.

Please note that in addition to our own preferences for safety, the Westin venue, the State of Illinois, and the federal government also have requirements which are shifting over time. To that end, these requirements and expectations have been updated as needed.

As of April 2, 2022: We believe this update will be our final policy change. Of course, should the infection landscape change drastically before the conference, we reserve the right to adjust.

  • At check-in to the event, you must be “fully vaccinated” (CDC definition). We will be confirming your vaccination at check-in. Proof: your vaccination card or a photo of your card on your phone (acceptable.)
    If you are not vaccinated: Provide proof of valid medical exemption AND a negative COVID test dated no earlier than April 25, 2022. Proof: your medical record or letter from your doctor, plus the negative results delivered to your phone or email by the testing center dated April 25 or later. Note: Home-administered tests are not valid proof.
  • Masks: will be optional for those who are vaccinated.
    If you are not vaccinated, plan to wear a mask throughout the conference as a safety precaution for yourself and others. This change is based on local government guidelines and the hotel’s expectations. Learn more (see Shared Responsibility.)
  • Use hand sanitizer as needed.
  • Assume social distance. Before stepping closer to another attendee, ask permission.
  • Meeting rooms and gathering spaces will be set up to allow for spacious, yet engaging interaction with others.

This policy has been created with your health and safety in mind. As leaders in our field of advocacy, we need to demonstrate the ability to live safely with COVID in our midst.

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*Our venue, The Westin Rosemont, has developed numerous cleaning and safety precautions to keep its guests safe. You can learn more about them here.

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