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Friday, April 29

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• 7 to 7:45 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast

7:45 to 8 AM Welcome (General Session)
Teri Dreher, Anne Llewellyn, Trisha Torrey

8 to 9:30 AM Panel: State of the Industry (General Session)
Representatives from 7 Advocacy Organizations
Moderated by Teri Dreher
This session will look at the State of the Practice of Patient/Health Advocacy from the leaders of the various patient advocate organizations. The leaders will discuss how COVID has impacted the practice and the trends they see going forward. Please bring your questions and experiences as the audience will have time to share as part of the session.

9:30 to 10:30 AM The Other Pandemic: Dementia (and How to Protect Vulnerable Adults)
Kerry Peck, Managing Partner of Peck Rickey, LLC
Teri Dreher
This interview style presentation will help advocates understand the growing challenge of caring for seniors who are aging alone with cognitive impairment. Real life stories of successes and challenges will be shared so we can see examples of how to recognize signs of exploitation/abuse and how to appropriately intervene on seniors’ behalf to prevent harm. Community resources, legal steps and when to engage with a guardianship/elder law attorney will be shared in an entertaining and educational format.

10:30 to 11 AM
Take a break with Sponsors and Networking

11 to 12 noon Breakout Sessions to include:

  • Health Confidence: a Novel Approach to Patient Education with Colleen Morley, DNP, RN, CCM, CMAC, CMCN, ACM-RNThis presentation will demonstrate the importance of patient engagement/activation and discuss strategies used by a healthcare facility to empower patients and their caregivers in self-management of chronic conditions.
  • Legislation and Advocacy with Michelle Riddle
    This session will look at patient protection legislation the exists in all states and what federal laws assist to protect patients’ rights. This session will expand an advocate’s knowledge in patient options and securities by utilizing state and federal laws that may make an incredible impact on a patient’s overall outcome. Knowledge is key when building an advocacy business. Therefore, the more knowledge and guidance advocates have the more likely they will have a successful practice.
  • The Cannabis Elephant in the Room: Who’s Using and Why with Rebecca Abraham and Richard Niksic
    Patient Advocates and Healthcare Professionals need to know that those we serve are using Medical Cannabis, and do not divulge. Too little education is presented about cannabis: medical efficacy, appropriateness, benefits, and contraindications. Many front-line healthcare workers are unprepared to assist their clients regarding cannabis, its effects and drug interactions. In this session we will look at how medical cannabis is being use today in various healthcare settings.

12:00 to 1:30 PM Lunch and Networking

• 1:30 to 2:30 PM
Conquer Your Business: Be in Charge, Take Action, Get Results

Erin Marcus, Founder and CEO, Conquer Your Business
In In less than two years Erin went from referring to herself as the world’s #1 pinball and barely making $10,000, to making multiple six figures in her business and having fun doing it. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your next big step forward, this talk is all about what you need to do to Conquer Your Business.

• 2:30 to 3 PM
Take a break with Sponsors and Networking

• 3 to 4 PM  Breakout Sessions to include:

    • Taking Your Practice from Good to Great: Understanding the Nuances of Effective Interaction with Hospitals, Insurers, and Their Employees with Lisa Berry Blackstock
      Successful patient advocates understand their value lies in practicing in dual arenas. Feeling confident professionally and personally in the services we offer, as well as managing our most precious resource of time, determines how effective and in-demand our services will be. Knowing how to leverage your time and methods of outreach to hospitals, insurers, and their employees directly impacts an advocate’s efficacy and desire to be retained. Grasping effective methods of interaction with forces who hold their bottom line as their top priority (and not those they serve) will not only help advocates achieve higher success rates in less time but open up more time allowing them to service more clients and improve their bottom line while performing noble work.
    • Complex Patient Advocacy Case: Client with a New Traumatic Brain Injury with Melissa Cardine, MSN, RN, WOCN, BCPA and Jennifer Whalen, DHSc, PA-C, BCPA
      The Bridge Health Advocates will present a complex case scenario of a client who experienced a new traumatic brain injury because of being hit by a car. This case will show you how an experienced patient advocate uses the advocacy process to work a complex case with adaptability, tenacity and grace. The advocate supports the family and client as they experience a sudden, life-changing situation with insurance denials, multiple specialists, several transitions of care as well as preparations for legal action. They will discuss what could have been done differently and how advocates can review their own cases for improving their processes and services.

• 4 to 5 PM Networking 

5:30 to 8 PM Dinner Reception
Time to dress up and celebrate our profession!
Come to dinner and find out who won our sponsor giveaways, too!

Talk / Topic: The Future’s So Bright, We Need to Wear Shades with Trisha Torrey
Where did we come from, what have we accomplished, and where will we go?  Join Trisha and her crystal ball as she takes a 4th dimension look at our beloved profession and what it may mean for your advocacy practice. (1 hour)

*Note: While we hope our Agenda and Speakers won’t require changes, there will be adjustments if needed. Check back for updates.