Look what we have in store! From essential learning to networking, and fun and games, we have something for everyone!

Attendance at ICOPA 2022 will help you earn CEs. Learn more about CEs here.

Plan to stay for the entire conference! Flight reservations should be made for after 3 PM on Saturday.

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5 to 8 PM

register now

Opening Reception

It’s great to be back connecting with everyone!

Join us Thursday evening for an evening of networking, hors d’oeuvres, and some great entertainment! (Did we say “entertainment?” Yes we did!)

Make sure you arrive in time to meet new people - and laugh, laugh, laugh!

Learn more about Thursday’s Reception

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7 AM (registration)
to 8 PM

register now

Link to: more information, including CEs

• 7 to 7:45 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast

7:45 to 8 AM Welcome (General Session)
Teri Dreher, Anne Llewellyn, Trisha Torrey

8 to 9:30 AM Panel: State of the Industry (General Session)
Representatives from 7 Advocacy Organizations
Moderated by Anne Llewellyn

9:30 to 10:30 AM The Other Pandemic: Dementia (and How to Protect Vulnerable Adults)
Kerry Peck, Managing Partner of Peck Rickey, LLC
Teri Dreher

10:30 to 11 AM
Take a break with Sponsors and Networking

11 to 12 noon Breakout Sessions to include:

12:00 to 1:30 PM Lunch and Networking

1:30 to 2:30 PM
Conquer Your Business: Be in Charge, Take Action, Get Results
Erin Marcus,
Founder and CEO, Conquer Your Business

• 2:30 to 3 PM
Take a break with Sponsors and Networking

• 3 to 4 PM  Breakout Sessions to include:

• 4 to 5 PM Networking

5:30 to 8 PM Dinner Reception
Time to dress up and celebrate our profession!
Come to dinner and find out who won our sponsor giveaways, too!

Talk / Topic: The Future’s So Bright, We Need to Wear Shades with Trisha Torrey

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7 AM (registration)
to 8 PM

register now

Link to: more information, including CEs

• 7:30 to 8:30 AM Breakfast and Welcome to Day 3

• 8:30 to 9:30 AM
The Advocate’s Role in Healthcare: The Employer’s View (General Session) with Colleen Murphy, BS, MBA

• 9:30 to 10:30
From the PACB: Job Task Analysis Study: Results/Reflection and Insight into the Future
Danielle Marshall, and Malynnda Johnson, PhD
Patient Advocate Certification Board

• 10:30 to 11:30 AM
Interorganizational Collaboration: Better Together
Carey Kempton, Lea Christo, Beth Droppert, Danielle Marshall, and Rachel Westlake
Representing the CHCAO, the Coalition of Health Care Advocacy Organizations

• 11:30 to 12 noon
Wrap Up, Plans for 2023, obtaining your CEs and more!
Teri Dreher, Anne Llewellyn, Trisha Torrey

*Note: While we hope our Agenda and Speakers won’t require changes, there will be adjustments if needed. Check back for updates.